Meeting documents

  • Meeting of High Wycombe Town Committee, Tuesday, 10th September, 2019 7.00 pm (Item 12.)

Verbal update to be given by officers from Chiltern Rangers CIC (Community Interest Company).


The Committee were provided with an update on the work of the Chiltern Rangers by Mr John Shaw (Managing Director of Chiltern Rangers CIC (Community Interest Company).


The key points outlined by Mr Shaw were as follows:


·         Mr Shaw explained these were challenging times for the Rangers and over the next 6 to 9 years the organisation would be engaging in long term transformation.

·         The aim would be to relocate to Abbey Park in industrial units by April 2022.  Substantial funding would need to be raised to build a community hub.

·         Mr Shaw provided artistry work for members to view which provided an idea of how the units and community hub would look.

·         He thanked the planning team for their support and collaborative work on the project and added that this would be built to the highest environmental standards.

·         The hub would also help engage with the wider community and enable the rangers’ projects to lead by example.

·         Other organisations would also be based at the hub.

·         Funding had already been obtained via Community Infrastructure Levy monies and bids for further funding had been undertaken.  Lottery match funding was also being investigated.

·         An additional two full time members of staff had been employed.

·         Partnership work had included working with the NHS, Local Area Forums, Schools and Buckinghamshire County Council.

·         The Chiltern Rangers had a 5 year plan of growth and sustainability.

·         Other projects included work to support veterans to help build community involvement with members of the forces, and working with the NHS to support people with mental health issues.

·         During August a clear up of the river had taken place which included 20 young people from CAMHS. 

·         Mr Shaw noted that partnership working with WDC was an integral aspect of the work of the rangers and he was looking forward to working with the new authority.


Members were concerned at the amount of fly tipping that was taking place and if the charges now implemented at the recycling centre was adding to this issue. Mr Shaw explained that litter and fly tipping was always a problem and suggested that more education at schools was required.  Also that larger fines could be given to people who were convicted of fly tipping which could subsequently act as a deterrent.   Mr Shaw noted that the rangers did not have adequate funding to provide education in schools however this work was built into projects.


With regards to maintaining wild flower areas at road sides Mr Shaw explained that this should be dealt with a mixed approach with some areas being left longer for pollination and some specific areas being cut. Good sight lines would need to remain for traffic management along the sides of the road. 


Mr Shaw confirmed that discussions were taking place with Wycombe District Council senior officers regarding plans to develop Funges Meadow Nature Reserve as a community area.  Mr Shaw explained that the reserve needed to be managed and protected, and was concerned that the area could be irreparably damaged if open to the public on a permanent basis.


The estimated cost of the new centre was between £1.1 and £1.2 million, it was noted that £250k has already been obtained from CIL funding and the remaining from lottery funding, other organisations and charitable donations.


In response to a query it was noted that chalk streams were internationally important and water levels were reducing.  It was believed that this was due to extraction issues and climate change.  


Members thanked Mr Shaw for his presentation and congratulated the Chiltern Rangers for their hard work and achievements.